“Comparison between routine methods and RT-qPCR assessment (MammaTyper®) of breast cancer biomarkers: new approach for improving molecular classification.”
Mandarano et al. Pathologica (2019). Atti del 8° CONGRESSO SIAPEC-IAP 2019. 16-19 ottobre 2019, Torino, Italia.
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“Comparison between routine methods and RT-qPCR assessment (MammaTyper®) of breast cancer biomarkers: new approach for improving molecular classification.”
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Autori: M. Mandarano, E. Caselli, C. Pelliccia, V. Teti, G. Bellezza, I. Ferri, K. Hartmann, M. Laible, F. Passaretti, U. Sahin, Z. Varga, C. Lupi, F. Stracci, A. Sidoni.
Pathologica (2019) vol 111, n°3: 215-6. Atti del 8° CONGRESSO SIAPEC-IAP 2019. 16-19 ottobre 2019, Torino, Italia.
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